How To Advertise on Facebook in 2022

Complete Guide

The times may be changing, but knowing how to advertise on Facebook is still an essential skill for most marketers. Create ads to reach your goals, from getting discovered and connecting with customers to inspiring them to buy.

Make one ad and show it everywhere.

With a few clicks, you can run ads across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. By making a single campaign, you can reach people on all of their favourite apps and websites.

Show ads across devices.

Show your ads on whatever device your audience happens to be using, with additional options for mobile or desktop.

Do it all in just a few steps.

Advertising across platforms and devices is easy. Just build your ad once, then select automatic placements to run your ad in the places that are most likely to achieve your marketing goals. No resizing or reformatting required.

Stay safe and precise.

Growing your reach doesn’t mean lessening your control. Easy-to-use brand controls let you set parameters on where and how your ads appear.
Explore the differences in how people use Facebook and Instagram – and find the right marketing strategy for each feed with these insights from Eough IQ.

The best ads drive real business results, but they also delight people.

Be authentic.

Start by considering your tone of voice, which can simply be a reflection of your business’s personality. Is it funny? All business? Adventurous? The more authentic you are, the more effective your ads are likely to be.

Understand your target audience.

Speak directly to their motivations or address the barriers preventing them from becoming your customers. Consider having different versions of creative for different audiences to ensure that you are speaking to what motivates each group.

Define your theme.

Figure out what you want your audience to take away from your ad. Think about a theme or concept that will tie your ads together and make you stand out. The theme can be a concept, an idea or even a visual theme to create consistency amongst all of your ads.

Put your message in motion with video.

82% of mobile traffic is expected to be video by 2020.2 Facebook offers your business different video ad types, placements and platforms to reach your audience with content that matches the ways they spend their time online.

Facebook Ads Manager.

Once you’re running Facebook ads, you’ll want to know whether they’re effective and which ads perform best.

With the help of Facebook Ads Manager, you can gain insightful and actionable information.

Account Overview, Creative Reporting and Insights

In your Account Overview within Ads Manager, you can see how your ad account is performing and pull valuable insights for optimization and future campaigns.

There are four main sections in the account overview tab:

  • Campaign KPI trends: In this section, you can analyze trends and performance over time.

  • Table view of your campaigns, grouped by objective: If you’re running campaigns with different objectives, you can analyze how these campaigns perform at a grouped level.

  • Demographic & Geographic Sections: These tabs include demographic information about people interacting with your ads.

  • Summarized account reporting: The final section of the overview section allows you to review performance data at the account level.

FAQs for Facebook Advertising.

If you’re a business looking to gain success in the online marketplace, then the answer will most likely be yes.

With the help of tools like Facebook Ad Manager, and the myriad of methods that Facebook has for implementing, tracking and optimizing ad performance, it has never been easier to understand and excel at advertising.

As written extensively above, the best way to craft an effective Facebook ad is to first understand who your target audience is, what you’re looking to sell to them and what your budget is for the project.

With that information in mind — and with the help of tools like Facebook Ad Manager — creating an effective Facebook ad should be within reach.

According to Facebook’s Advertising Policies, the kinds of products or services that aren’t allowed fall under the usual umbrella —the promotion of illegal, violent or discriminatory content. 

However, the prohibited content does include content that may surprise. When looking to implement Facebook Advertising in your business, review the policies in place to ensure that your business will access its benefits.

Facebook Ads are not free. The expenses associated with them are determined by how large of a campaign you’re looking to run, your audience and your budget. 

Helpfully, Facebook has built out a page with information for those interested in the finer financial details.

Find people who will love your business with Facebook ads.

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